$400.00 USD

Touch For Health Level 4: Live ONLINE Workshop

Complete Your Touch for Health Synthesis (TFH 1-4) Journey!

This is a 4-part workshop, we will meet Thursdays, Oct. 31, Nov. 7, 14, 21, 2024 from 8am to 12pm PST.

In this 4-part LIVE Online Video Workshop students will review and practice balancing all 42 TFH muscles as self-testing and coaching self-balancing over the internet. Observe the posture for clues and balance specific muscles to improve posture. Relieve emotional and physical stress held in the posture and muscle memory, associated with specific positions. Use the patterns of figure 8 energy flows to energize vitality, relieve pain and improve flexibility/range of motion. Appreciate the principles of Acupressure Holding Point (5-Element) Theory and the Luo (Yin-Yang Element Pairs) points. Use the “Database” balancing approach to prioritize appropriate TFH techniques for a particular person.

Selected sessions will be recorded for your review after class, and for use in future online classes.

Participate Live Online in your LIBRARY


Completing and practicing your level 1-4 techniques prepares you for the culminating practice and written/practical “Proficiency” assessment. Please note that a minimum of 8 hours in-person manual muscle testing instruction is required for certification to teach TFH in person.


YOU WILL NEED: Touch for Health: Complete Edition

Highly recommended - required for TFH Proficiency: Touch for Health Synthesis WORKBOOK   


You will Learn:

  • Complete 42 muscle, 1-point balance: standing, sitting, or lying (meridian & rapid anatomical order)

  • 1-point Balancing Review and Luo Points
  • Analyze and balance specific postural deviations 

  •  Reactive muscle review 

  •  Figure 8 energy balancing

  • Past balancing to holistically relieve stress from past trauma throughout mind and body

  • Postural Stress Release for stress held in “muscle memory” associated with postures/experiences from past stressful/ traumatic experiences.

NO Refund Policy: Your payment or deposit is transferable to another course within the same calendar year, with 30 days notification PRIOR to original class date.