This is a 4-part workshop, we will meetThis is a 4-part workshop, we will meet Thursdays, July 18, 25 & August 1, 8, 2024 from 8am to 12pm PST.
Make Touch for Health balancing more enjoyable, profound, meaningful and effective using supportive dialogue, positive goal-setting, creative visualization & Metaphors In this 3-day LIVE Online Video Workshop.
Sessions will be recorded for your review after class, and for use in future online classes.
Participate Live Online in your LIBRARY
- NEW Larger Format book of TFH and Five Element Metaphors, the official text of the workshop.
For the Print version, click HERE. For the Kindle Version click HERE.
Learn to efficiently utilize the 111 metaphors in the TFH pocketbook with Chinese 5 element Metaphors, by TFH founder John F. Thie and Matthew Thie, to feel better and to gain new insight and enthusiasm for your life.
From finding an emotion related to a goal to balancing energy by making expressive sounds or combining color visualization with emotional stress release points, the standard TFH protocol provide us with a variety of options for accessing the powerful symbols of the Chinese 5 element Metaphors. Adding the Metaphors of meridian/organ function & muscle anatomy/function/gesture, we have 111 distinct images that can be dynamically incorporated into our balancing sessions
Refund Policy: Your prepayment or deposit is transferable to another course within the same calendar year, with 30 days notification PRIOR to original class date.